Circular economy

Inflation: an opportunity for the environment!

Inflation: an opportunity for the environment!

As consumer electronics become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the environmental impact of manufacturing new devices and the financial burden of rising inflation are pressing concerns. Smartphone production is a sizable portion of the total global emissions each year. 

Because of massive inflation in recent years, according to the Global Smartphone Market Reports for the first quarter of 2023, published by Canalys, the new phone market has seen an 8% decline compared to the same period last year. Even though these circumstances are not ideal, first and foremost the environment, and then the refurbished device industry, are in the plus. That consumers are now considering refurbished options, is indeed a blessing in disguise.

To understand the significant impact you make by choosing refurbished, let’s have a look at some hard facts. A brand-new smartphone generates an average of 85 kilograms in emissions in its first year of use. Ninety-five percent (95%!!) of this comes from manufacturing processes, including the extraction of raw materials and shipping. Because manufacturing accounts for almost all of a smartphone’s carbon footprint, the single biggest factor that could reduce a smartphone’s carbon footprint is to extend its expected lifetime. There could still be just as many smartphones in use; what would change is that each smartphone would be used for longer, regardless of the number of individual owners of each smartphone during its lifetime. Even accounting for the CO2e emissions resulting from refurbishing and shipping a used phone, prolonged ownership, whether by the original owner or a series of owners, provides a clear-cut benefit.

Nonetheless, a study by Deloitte shows that the majority of consumers still go for factory-new devices. Facing such difficult circumstances, we then ask the question: why do consumers persist in their traditional purchasing decisions? 

It was discovered that concerns about quality, especially battery health, are a major factor in driving consumer reservations with regards to refurbished devices. Trust is also a big factor: consumers are not sure which retailers are legit and which are not. And lastly, even with the spectacular growth of our sector in recent years, it still remains unknown to a large segment of the consumer market.

We at Molano address exactly these concerns. Our vision is to extend the lifetime of smartphones to its maximum potential, so that we do our part in reducing the global carbon footprint. We aspire to bring the refurbished device industry closer to the consumer market by ensuring that quality is consistent.

Molano places great value in providing positive experiences with refurbished devices. We achieve this by testing each device thoroughly, on more than 50+ points, a detailed grading methodology and extended warranties. With such detailed knowledge of our devices, and the market, we find the right buyer for each device.

Do you want to join us in our mission to make refurbished a consumer first-choice? We have solutions for all market segments. Whether you need one device, a few, a thousand, you are a reseller, or you want to lease devices (with buyback!), or custom solutions, Molano is your reliable partner. We are also always open to partnerships and new ideas. Register today at our webshop or drop us an email through the contact form!

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