Precios de las manzanas al por mayor
Como mayorista de iPhone, iPad, MacBook e incluso de accesorios Apple, estamos especializados en la venta de productos de alta tecnología y multimedia. Comprar a un mayorista de Apple significa comprar al por mayor. Comprar al por mayor significa economías de escala, lo que es mucho mejor para todos; para el proveedor y para el comprador. Los márgenes son mejores y los beneficios son mayores. Esto se llama Precios al por mayor de Apple.
El término precio al por mayor es un término que se puede utilizar especialmente cuando se tiene un negocio al por menor o al por mayor, siempre que se compre a un mayorista. El precio al por mayor no es en absoluto el mismo que el precio al por menor. Dependerá de quién compre el producto. Si el producto (en este caso, Apple) lo adquiere un gran grupo o distribuidor, habrá que aplicar el precio al por mayor. Si el producto lo adquiere un consumidor final, a menudo particulares, se aplica el precio de venta al público. Evidentemente, este precio repercute en el margen, pero ya sea al por mayor o al por menor, siempre hay un beneficio para el vendedor. Sólo cambia el comprador. El precio de venta al por mayor es mucho más bajo que el de venta al por menor. El cálculo de un precio depende totalmente de nuestra empresa, de nuestro posicionamiento y del mercado de productos Apple y de los planes futuros de la empresa. Tenemos que supervisar constantemente nuestros métodos de fijación de precios y adaptarlos con el tiempo para permitir un buen crecimiento y desarrollo.
Company description
Molano's mission is to contribute to sustainability and the circular economy. It achieves its mission,among other things, by extending the life span of (telecom) hardware, in order to reduce theecological footprint of this industry.
Molano has a large international network of suppliers that can provide the company with thevolume to serve both the consumer and the business market. Sophisticated grading andclassification models allow Molano to offer appliances to the right buyers in the most efficient waypossible. These include used devices and devices that have been refurbished by Molano. Thebusiness customers consist of resellers, end-users (organizations that actually use the hardwarethemselves), dealers and repair shops. For these types of customers, Molano also offers a numberof services, such as (virtual) inventory management, drop shipping and factoring.
What you are going to do
We are looking for a motivated intern Sales & Account management within Molano! You will havethe opportunity to develop in the sales department within a fast growing organization. You will gaininsight into our sales strategy and will implement it within the European market.We find personal growth of a professional of the future important! Therefore, you will be intensivelycoached during your internship.You will join a young and dynamic team where hard work is combined with room for self-development.
Who are you?
- You are technically inclined and therefore pick up things quickly
- You are proactive, enthusiastic andflexible;
- You are ambitious, have good communication skills and are eager to learn
- You can work well independently, but also function well in a team.
Where will you be working?
At Molano you will be working in a young and fast-paced industry where thereare still manyopportunities to be seized. Besides the growth of the organization, we find it important thatpersonal growth during the work period is paramount.That is why we strive for the perfect match, with which your ambitions/personal development are atthe forefront. If you grow personally, the company will grow with you.
What do you get in return?
- You get an internship compensation;
- You get a travel expense allowance
- You can start immediately (or as soon as possible);
- You can count on a fun and educational workplace with a lot of responsibility and room forown initiative.
Work hard, play hard. That characterizes working at Molano. We like to have fun, combined withhealthy commercial competition. We inspire, help and motivate each other to get the most out ofthe day and to go home with a satisfied feeling. We are a young, dynamic team with great ambitions.We are flexible and continuously respond to developments around us. We don't want to be the first,but the best: One team, one dream.
Type of employment: Fulltime/ Part-time/ Side job available